
© Tsuyoshi Ozawa and Ota Fine Arts

One of the key words to understand Ozawa's works is“journey” or “traveler's viewpoint.” This time, he looks at Kanazawa from that angle, selecting things that express Kanazawa’s essence while walking around the city and talking with local residents. This work consists of seven (with additional one) selected items as the Seven Wonders of Kanazawa. Every citizen of Kanazawa heard or knows of them, but now some are forgotten away or paid no attention to, such as folktales, relics, and everyday food. The venue is a town hall designated as a tangible cultural property in Ishikawa Prefecture that shows a beautiful Japanese architecture early in the Meiji period.


小沢 剛
東京藝術大学在学中から、風景の中に自作の地蔵を建立する《ジゾーイング(地蔵建立)》 を開始。1993 年から牛乳箱を超小型移動式ギャラリーにした《なすび画廊》 や《相談芸術》 、1999年には香川に日本美術史への皮肉ともいえる《醤油画記念館》 を開館、また2007 年には豊島に不法投棄された産業廃棄物を材料に仏像を制作し、88 体を直島に設置した《スラグブッダ88》 など、多数ある。ユーモアを交えた作品スタイルは軽妙で、環境や平和などのメッセージが、自由な発想で作品化されている。

As a student of Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, Ozawa started his project “Jizoing,” in which he installed a Jizo of his own making in different scenes. Since 1993, he has produced “Nasubi Gallery,” milk boxes used as extremely small transferable galleries, and “The University of Sodan Art”. His many other projects include “Soy-sauce Museum” in Kagawa Prefecture, which he opened in 1999 as a kind of irony to the Japanese art history, and “Slag Buddha 88” starting in 2007, for which he made images of Buddha using industrial waste dumped illegally on Teshima island and installed 88 Buddha images on Naoshima island. His humor-tinged work style is witty and refined, and his message concerning the environment, peace and so forth is expressed in his unfettered way of thinking of art.