

The former elementary school and junior high school used to be where there is now 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa. The old trees around the museum are still there accumulating memories from the old days to the present. Through the Aeolian Harp strings stretched on those trees, a breeze causes sounds. The sounds vibrate glasswalls of the building, the vibration goes into the whole space of the museum. Accumulated memories in many years are melted into the sound of the Aeolian Harps stretched on the trees. If you listen to the sound carefully in the museum, you can hear the voices mediating the trees.


藤枝 守
作曲家。カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校音楽学部博士課程修了。Ph.D.を取得。純正調などの音律のあらたな可能性を模索。また、植物の電位変化に基づく《植物文様》という作曲シリーズを展開。最近のCDに《クラヴィコードの植物文様》(MAM-001)や《Patterns of Plants II》(TZADIK-8061)がある。また、著作には『響きの生態系』(フィルムアート社)『 [増補]響きの考古学』(平凡社ライブラリー)がある。現在、九州大学大学院芸術工学研究院教授。 http://www.fujiedamamoru.com/

Composer with Ph.D. Completed doctorate in music at the University of California, San Diego. He searches for new possibilities of tuning and temperament such as Just Intonation. He develops his composition series “Patterns of Plants” based on electrical change of plants. His recent CDs include “Patterns of Plants, played on the clavichord” (MAM-001) and “Patterns of Plants II” (TZADIK-8061). His books include “Ecosystem of Sound” (published by Film Art) and “Archaeology of Sound (enlarged edition)” (Heibon-sha Library). Currently he is a professor of Faculty of Design, the Graduate School of Kyushu University. http://www.fujiedamamoru.com/