KIM Mitsuo White light White heat

2014.9.13(Sat.) - 2014.11.24(Mon.)



2014.9.13(Sat.) - 2014.11.24(Mon.)
10:00 - 18:00 (until 20:00 on Fridays and Saturdays)


21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa


Mondays, September 16, October 14, November 4, (Open on September 15, October 13, November 3, 24)


Mondays, September 16, October 14, November 4, (Open on September 15, October 13, November 3, 24)



For More Information:

21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa
Phone: +81-76-220-2800
Facsimile: +81-76-220-2802
E-Mail: info@kanazawa21.jp

“Aperto,” a new series, takes a solo exhibition format to highlight up-and-coming young artists and examine new trends in the making. “KIM Mitsuo: White light White heat” is the inaugural exhibition in this series.
Kim Mitsuo employs silk-screen techniques to explore the relationship between serial images and the image they produce as a total effect. Spreading a thin layer of paraffin wax on a board, he transfers an ink image to the wax using silk screen. He then exposes the surface to heat and melts the wax, halting the process to let it harden just before the image disappears entirely. The ink portions that melt along with the wax return to an unfigured state and remain as spaces of emptiness. Although a two-dimensional work, its surface is disturbed by projections of the wax and shows the traces of Kim’s own physical actions.
The indistinct, broken lines of a fence or chair form an ambiguous boundary, causing us to sense another world of light beyond. While giving play to the qualities of his materials and techniques, Kim implies that opposing phenomena exist in the same world and gives visual embodiment to a situation in which the essential spirit of what we expect to see is missing.
Yumiko Tatematsu (Curator, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa)

Related Programs

“Epigenetic Landscape”

Date/time: Sunday November 23, 2014 14:00-15:30
Speaker: KOBATA Kazue (Art Producer)
Venue: Lecture Hall
Admission: No charge
Capacity: First 70 arrivals (prior application required)
*Japanese language only

About the “Aperto” Series

  • The exhibition series “Aperto” introduces up-and-coming young artists in a solo exhibition format. As an art museum actively engaged with the contemporary world, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa looks closely at new trends now in the process of forming. Artists and curators collaborate in creating occasions for exhibiting works and act as an intermediary between today’s creation and that of the future. This exhibition series looks at individual artists who, although having little experience with solo or important group exhibitions at art museums, possess sufficient creative motivation to command a solo exhibition and who are expected to make a significant impact in the future. Artists are selected without regard for their nationality or expressive media by the curator at 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa.
    Note: “Aperto” is Italian for “open.”


  • 《row - moufu #2 (silver)》 2014
    parafin wax, screen printing, burner, panel
    H116 × W80.3 × D2.5 cm

    White light White heat

    Falling asleep in an unfamiliar room and awakening to the morning sun.
    The morning light is dazzling, and my dream a moment ago (whether a good dream or bad one) is quickly forgotten, as I gaze sleepily at the wrinkles in the blanket tangled around me.
    Still wrapped in the blanket, which appears whitely incandescent under the light, I want to return to my dreaming, but unable to sleep, I languidly get up.
    There are elements and motivations that enable me to create artworks in my everyday life, which is otherwise ordinary. Hereafter, I would like to work out the processes needed to embody them, understand their relationships with the world after they are completed, and think about how I want to live.

    KIM Mitsuo

KIM Mitsuo

  • Born in Osaka in 1987. 2010, B.A. Department of Information Design, Kyoto University of Art and Design. 2012, M.A. Post graduate course of Kyoto City University of Arts.
    Major solo exhibitions—2014: “Non-Linear” (HAPS, Kyoto), “CONFUSION” (MA2 Gallery, Tokyo). 2013: “-apart-“ (LIXIL Gallery, Tokyo), “CONTROL” (eN arts, Kyoto), “SWITCH” (AKI Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan). 2012: “Mitsuo Kim Solo Exhibition” (The House of Japanese – France, Tokyo), “row – thickness: KIM Mitsuo Works” (Gallery PARC, Kyoto).
    Major Awards—VOCA 2014 Encouragement Prize, Art Award Tokyo Marunouchi 2012 French Embassy Prize, Art Award Tokyo Marunouchi 2012 Kazue Kobata Prize, The Gunma Biennale for Young Artists Encouragement Prize (2012).



Organized by:

21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa (Kanazawa Art Promotion and Development Foundation)

In Cooperation with:

MA2 Gallery, Nippon Seiro Co., Ltd., Holbein Works, Ltd., Maruoka Kogyo Inc., Kayudo Co.,Ltd.