
レジ袋を使って花を作るワークショップを行い、商店街を飾るプロジェクトです。身近な素材を使って、丁寧に手を動かして花を作るという行為そのものが精神の安定をもたらし、ワークショップを通して、知らない人どうしがお互いのことを知るようになります。丸山は、7月から8月にかけ、レジ袋を使って花を作るワークショップを、認知症のお年寄りのためのグループホーム、お年寄り地域福祉支援センター、精神科の病院、公民館などで計19回実施しました。のべ300人の参加者と作った花1,000本と、新潟や横浜、オーストラリアのパースなどで、過去にワークショップを通じて作られた花、計6,000 本を、展覧会期間中、金沢21 世紀美術館より徒歩5分のタテマチストリート全長450メートルいっぱいに展開します。[WM]

In this project, a workshop of making f lowers with supermarket plastic bags was conducted and the shop-ping area was decorated with them. The act of making flowers by hand brings about mental stability, and people meet and get to know each other in this workshop. From July through August, Maruyama held such a workshop 19 times at elderly Alzheimer’s patients’ homes, community centers to support local elderly people, mental hospitals, public halls, etc. About 1,000 f lowers were made by a total of 300 participants, and f lowers that had been made in the past workshops held in Niigata, Yokohama, and Perth, Australia were added. Consequently a total of 6,000 f lowers decorated the 450-meter long Tatemachi Street that is a 5-minute walk from 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa.


1976年、山梨県生まれ。ニューヨーク市立大学ハンターカレッジ美術学科卒。「越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ2006」などの国際展や、オーストラリアでのグループ展「Field of Ideas」などに参加。身近で、見過ごしそうな素材の持つ違和感を感じ取り、手を加え、収集することによって、意味を変化させる。親密な共同作業を通じてコミュニケーションを生みだし、インスタレーションによって場を変える作品を展開。

Born in Yamanashi in 1976. Graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Hunter College, the City University of New York. She participated in international exhibitions such as Echigo Tsumari Art Triennial and group exhibitions including “Field of Ideas” in Australia. When she notices that something is funny or interesting about the material, which is likely to be overlooked, she works on it, and by collecting such a material, she tries to change its meaning. She encourages communication through close teamwork, and makes the spatial transformation through an installation.